Why I teach
The state of professional development in media arts:
All creators, me included, aspire to tell great stories that will resonate with audiences at home and around the globe no matter the platform: be it stage, print, canvas, or screen. From experience I know this is an aspiration that can only be successfully achieved with informed business production practices and often many creators are without the necessary skills or information needed to achieve their desired objectives. It`s an education gap that’s becoming wider for media artists even as the landscape for content become more fragmented, globally needy yet even more competitive.
Success, especially in this business, is about story and math. Business Affairs is the golden thread that holds a production together from script to screen. To keep a project from unraveling at its many seams, it is imperative to improve one’s business affairs intelligence. Critical thinking, analysis of media, empowerment of collaborators and pro-active problem solving are some of the skills required for business affairs acumen. "There is no waste! "everything I have learned; I have found a way to put to good use".
Over the last 28 plus years, and having been in the trenches as artist, producer and business-affairs executive, across a number of artistic disciplines, this earned wealth of multi-disciplinary experiences is the feeder for my continued commitment to mentoring and de-mystifying the business processes of art creation. I now exercise this passion as a screen-content producer, writer, production/business-affairs consultant, lecturer, seminar presenter and workshop facilitator. Sharing with organizations such: OCADU (Ontario College of Art and Design University), WIFT (Women in Film and TV) RWFF (Reelworld Film Festival), Black Women Film, MBI (Media Business Institute) SuiteLife Arts for Youth, and continuing since 2009, as workshop instructor for LIFT (Liaison of Independent Filmmakers).
BARB, (Business Affairs Resource Booster) is the vehicle I developed to continue delivering on the ongoing commitment made to sharing in 1993.
- Marva Ollivierre